What is the difference between Cleistogamy and Chasmogamy ?

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What is the difference between Cleistogamy and Chasmogamy ?..

Answer / ramya

cleistogamy is the pollination which takes place in
unopened flowers.eg;commelina,cardamine,subularia etc.

chasmogamy is the type of pollination that takes place in
opened flowers.

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What is the difference between Cleistogamy and Chasmogamy ?..

Answer / gourav sahni

cleistogamy is the pollination which takes place in unopened
flowers. eg;commelina etc

chasmogamy is the type of pollination that takes place in
opened flowers

Is This Answer Correct ?    73 Yes 17 No

What is the difference between Cleistogamy and Chasmogamy ?..

Answer / ashwin ram

CHASMOGAMOUS FLOWERS : These are the open and are bisexual and are involved in self pollination and rarely cross pollination

CLEISTOGAMOUS FLOWERS : These are closed flowers and are bisexual flowers commonly and are observed inside the soil

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What is the difference between Cleistogamy and Chasmogamy ?..

Answer / pooja

Chasmogamous flower also known as open marriage

Cleistogamous flower also known as close marriage

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What is the difference between Cleistogamy and Chasmogamy ?..

Answer / abhimanyu

Chasmogamy:- Flowers opened after fertilization
Clistogamy:- Fertilization occurs in unopened flower bud

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What is the difference between Cleistogamy and Chasmogamy ?..

Answer / bilal khan

Cleistogamy :-
Pollination & fertilization occur in unopened flower bud.
Chasmogamy :-
In plant, fertilization after opening of flower.

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What is the difference between Cleistogamy and Chasmogamy ?..

Answer / gangavarapu hari priya

Chasmogamous :
Flowers are open ,both anther&stigma lies close to each ,similar to flowers of other species.

Cleistogamous :
Flowers do not open at all, still stigma&anther lies close to each, it occurs only selfpollination no chance for cross pollination as the flower closed.(no chance for genetic difference to evolve new )

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