What is Gynandrophore?

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What is Gynandrophore?..

Answer / radha kabadi

it is a structure bearing both androecium and gynoecium.it
is similar to a receptacle.Callotropis is a typical
example. Here anthers are present in structures called the
pollinia on gynandrophore.

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What is Gynandrophore?..

Answer / deepa

It's a structure present on receptacle upon which stamen and carpel are present together. It is present in capparidaceae family.

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What is Gynandrophore?..

Answer / kiran

When internode produced between Corolla and androecium and gynoecium , known as gynandrophore .

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What is Gynandrophore?..

Answer / aloo

It is association of androphore and gynophore

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What is Gynandrophore?..

Answer / gopikrishna

it is the extension between gynoecium and androecium.this
we can seein passiflora.

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