What is the characteristic inflorescence of the family
Asteraceae ?

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What is the characteristic inflorescence of the family Asteraceae ?..

Answer / abhilash

head infloresence which consists of disc florets and ray
florets.ray florets at the centre and disc florets at the
periphery .heads are of two types homogamous head and
heterogamous head. homogamous head consists of either all
ray florets or all disc florets.heterogamous head consists
of both disc florets and ray florets.

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What is the characteristic inflorescence of the family Asteraceae ?..

Answer / awais

Capitulum is the most advanced inflorescence is the distinguishing character of family asteraceae

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What is the characteristic inflorescence of the family Asteraceae ?..

Answer / aneeqa aslam khan

Head capitulam inflorescence

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