What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?

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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / deva

Truncate is a DDL command and hence cant be rolled back
where as delete is DML command and thus can be rolled back
if not necessary.

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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / jude franco

TRuncate removes all the rows in a table in one go.
Delete deoes it for each row
Truncate does not make entries in a LOG file
Delete makes entries for each row that gets deleted

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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / swapnareddy

Main Differences between Truncate and Delete:
1:Truncate removes all records but using this we cannot
remove a particular record.
2:Truncate is ddl command(data definiton language command)
3:Rollback cannot be done when we use this command.
4:Truncate cannot fire a trigger.
1:delete can remove all records or a particular record.
2:delete is a dml command(data manipulation language command)
3:rollback is possible when we use this command.
4:delete can fire a trigger

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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / oracle_tigress

difference between truncate and delete

1.truncate removes rows in one execution..delete removes
rows one by one so truncate is fast..

2.truncate does not creates logs and hence canot be
rolledback and hence is a DDL stmt..DELETE creates rollback
segment hence can be rolled back and hence is a DML stmt.

3.truncate doesnot allow for conditional remove of records
(all records has to remove) DELETE allows conditonal remove
of records(where cluase etc can be used.)

4.triggers are not fired on truncate stmt but trgieers are
fired on DELETE stmt..

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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / suman chakraborty

Truncate can not fire a trigger while delete can fire a

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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / rampratap singh

Truncate is DDL so it does not create rollback segments,

where as DELETE is DML and creates rollback segments.

Truncate removes/reset the high watermark.
Delete does not do that.

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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / rao

we can utilise the space for record which is uesd to
truncate but delete we cant use same same space.

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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / satya_k21


By using truncate command we can delete all the records
in a table , but we cant delete a single record in a table.

by using delete command we can delete a entire records
or a specified record in a table..
Delete is a DML Operation but truncate is DDL Operation
let me know if it is wrong.


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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / pravallika

We can specify a condition while using deletecommand.But
Truncate is unconditional

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What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?..

Answer / ram kumar

1.Both are same but a little bit difference between them

2.Truncate removes all the rows in the table and it cannot
be rolledback bcoz its a DDL

3.Delete removes the particular record u want in the table
and it can be rolledback bcoz its a DML

4.Truncate is Unconditional and Delete is Conditional

Ram Kumar...

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