wht type of User defined functions or Java Releated
functions do we write in VB scripting

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Could anyone help me for the below scenario: i am using the descriptive programming for my account, in which we have to generate the contract in the MS-word. when i generate this doc, we need to click on enable macros to continue further. but i am unable to make qtp to click on this. if anybody faced the problem like this??? pls help to get it resolved? Thanks in advance

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In a flight window we have to enter the name and meal request for every passenger.In that window if we give Total passengers=1 then the Psngr1 name field and psngr1 meal request field will reflects.if we give Total passengers=2 then Psngr1 name field and psngr1 meal request field,Psngr2 name field and psngr2 meal request field and so on. how we can handle this scenerio thru Descriptive programming?

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