What are Levels of Functional testing?

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What are Levels of Functional testing?..

Answer / ravi

level-0 sanity testing
level-1 comprehensive testing
level-2 regression testing

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What are Levels of Functional testing?..

Answer / subbu-

level-0 sanity testing
level-1 comprehensive testing
level-2 regression testing
level-3 re-regression testing

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What are Levels of Functional testing?..

Answer / kanishk

Functional testing is basically related to what the system
do , it is also called blackbox testing(though it includes
non functional testing also). The levels are :
1. Boundary Vqlue Analysis.
2. Equivalence Partionting.
3. Use case.
4. State transition.
5. Decision tables

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What are Levels of Functional testing?..

Answer / mfsi_krushnas

Functional testing typically involves five levels :

1.The identification of functions that the software is
expected to perform
2.The creation of input data based on the function's
3.The determination of output based on the function's
4.The execution of the test case
The comparison of actual and expected outputs

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