what is testing

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what is testing..

Answer / guest

testing is the process of evaluating the system manually or
automatically that means verifying that it is satisfying
all the requirements or not and identifying the differences
between expected and actual result.

testing is the process designed to compensate for
ineffective software development process.

effective software testing delivers quality software product
and if the testing is not done properly the defects found
in operation then it results high maintainance cost and it
leads to user dissatisfaction.

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what is testing..

Answer / rajeshwar rao

Verfication and validation of software is called testing.

software testing is the process with the intened of finding
on error.
to ensure that the systeam is error free. there by
increasing the over all quality.

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what is testing..

Answer / vijayalakshmi

Testing is the process of excecuting the program with
intend of finding error.

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what is testing..

Answer / ramprasad.s

1. Testing is to find the Uncovered Errors.
2. Testing is to Evaluate the Results Between
Expected & Actual Results.
3. Testing is to Deliver a quality Software.
4. Testing is to check the Application Meets the


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what is testing..

Answer / veeru

Testing is a process of executing a program and make sure
that the software has no defect.

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what is testing..

Answer / shyam g

In general, testing is finding out how well something
works. In terms of human beings, testing tells what level
of knowledge or skill has been acquired. In computer
hardware and software development, testing is used at key
checkpoints in the overall process to determine whether
objectives are being met. For example, in software
development, product objectives are sometimes tested by
product user representatives. When the design is complete,
coding follows and the finished code is then tested at the
unit or module level by each programmer; at the component
level by the group of programmers involved; and at the
system level when all components are combined together. At
early or late stages, a product or service may also be
tested for usability.

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what is testing..

Answer / venkat

Testing is the process which helps to identify the
correctness and completeness quality and security of
developed sofware

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what is testing..

Answer / gangadhar.s


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