If a bug is found by the customer after product release,
then what cycle is applied to find the cause of that defect

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If a bug is found by the customer after product release, then what cycle is applied to find the ca..

Answer / vikas

Do a root cause analysis.. y we goat a defect after product
is released.

First check if the defect reported is part of requirement
or not
Second if the defect reported is part of requirement then
do we have associated test case for that or not
Third if the test case is not there for that particular
scenario then check y the test case is missing from RTM.

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If a bug is found by the customer after product release, then what cycle is applied to find the ca..

Answer / prashanth

Firstly we need to do the Root cause analysis for the defect to analise the impact after that we need to infirm all the stake holers on this also need to provide the action plan for the defect like what has been caused this defect when the defect is going to be fixed all these.

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