what is the role of QA in all the phases of SDLC?

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what is the role of QA in all the phases of SDLC?..

Answer / fatima

SDLC Phase: Requirements and Analysis
Artifact: 1) Software Requirements Specification Document
(SRS) 2) Functional Specification Document (FS)
Tasks Performed by QA: 1) Document Review With Respect to
Customer Requirements and Report 2) Document Review With
Respect to SRS and Report

SDLC Phase: Design Analysis
Artifact: Design Specifications (DS)
Tasks Performed by QA: Develop Test Plan and some Test
Cases are formed

SDLC Phase: Coding
Artifact: Coding
Tasks Performed by QA: Execute Test Cases using Online
Testing Strategies or Offline Testing Strategies

SDLC Phase: Testing
Artifact: Process that is working parallel to the process
Tasks Performed by QA: Reports are generated as the defects
are removed i.e Test Cases execution

SDLC Phase: Release
Artifact: Installation Shield, Installation Guides, User
Manuals, etc
Tasks Performed by QA: Document Review and testing of
Installation setup.

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what is the role of QA in all the phases of SDLC?..

Answer / anjum fatima

SDLC Phase: Analysis
Quality Assurer: Attend the meetings with the project team, should have business knowledge & domain understanding.. prepare some initial QA plans with respect to the customer's needs.

SDLC Phase: Requirement
QA: 1) Software Requirements Specification Document(SRS)
2) Functional Specification Document (FS)
prepare Test plans, checklists, test cases based on the use cases.

SDLC phase: Design
QA: 1)Modular work done save as a document each & every process; like DFD's
2) Design specifictation also made.

SDLC Phase: COding
QA: 1)Coding standards prepared; properly define the pramameter, function their names and algo definition.
2) checklists prepared by the QA for the developer contain standards and guides for developers.

SDLC phase: testing
QA: 1) execute the test cases and evaluate the output accordingly
2) prepare bug sheets

SDLC phase: deployment
QA: Change Request form (CRF) for approval.
Installation guides as well as user manuals..

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what is the role of QA in all the phases of SDLC?..

Answer / sreenivasa rao boddu

QA people will ply main role in software company
they are maintain all data records
they maintain test cases document ,bug reporting,audit
reports,build documentions,test plan repirt,recurement
documents...... all maintained by QA people

sreenivas from delhi

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