What is the difference between continue and next sentence?

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hi i would like to know is there any training institue for Calabash,robotium and ui automator in hyderabad...urgent

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Hi This is raghu.Now am learning the QTP.Please let me know any one how to write the VB Scripts. & Please let me know about the QTP Frame work ( Key word driven frame work) in Detail. Thanks, Raghu(786)

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Does the Jmeter will generate any scripts? and anybody suggest with an example. how to use the Jmeter tool and also the How to anayse the Results?

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Can any one give information on "Content Disposition" in TEST COMPLETE automation tool? mail me to pdamarakonda@smart-bridge.co.in call me to 09849423932

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how to write ciertification in QTP?

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what are the steps followed in unit testing, system testing, integration testing

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What are the advantages of test automation?

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What is the process of Automation Testing?

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