Does the Jmeter will generate any scripts? and anybody
suggest with an example. how to use the Jmeter tool and also
the How to anayse the Results?

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Does the Jmeter will generate any scripts? and anybody suggest with an example. how to use the Jmet..

Answer / satish

When you create a test in Jmeter, save the file. The file
saves with the extention .jmx.

Open the .jmx file in an editor. There you can see script.

Correct me if I am wrong.....

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Does the Jmeter will generate any scripts? and anybody suggest with an example. how to use the Jmet..

Answer / vikash

yes we can generate the script,via adding the http proxy
server element in the work bench(work bench>non tech
element>http proxy server).add the thread in the test
plan,initially .because its a root of the other elements.add
different elements according to the test cases.For analysis
purpose there are different listeners them in
some director/folder.jtl extension and analysis the load
/sec on the can get it by differentiating the
time.its easy via graph listeners.
this much i know

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