What types of validation check u need to do in fund

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What types of validation check u need to do in fund transfer..? ..

Answer / chris

1. Check whether the Sufficient amount is available or not
in the Sender's account.

2. From which bank to send and for which bank (If the Fund
Transfered some other Bank[ie. Not same bank], we have to
verify the inter-relation between Banks Network.)

3. Then we have to check, Fund Mode(cheque/Cash/DD...)


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What types of validation check u need to do in fund transfer..? ..

Answer / asuri

Following are the validations to be checked while doing
Fund Transfer:

1. Check the A/C Payee Name and A/C No.
2. Check for the provided authentication no, if there is
3. Check whether the amount has a valid value in the
appropriate box.
4. If there is any foreign currency involved in the FT,
then check the corresponding conversion amount.
5. After transferring the fund, check whether it is
successfully transferred or not by getting the

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What types of validation check u need to do in fund transfer..? ..

Answer / asuri

Following are the validations to be checked while doing
Fund Transfer:

1. Check the A/C Payee Name and A/C No.
2. Check for the provided authentication no, if there is
3. Check whether the amount has a valid value in the
appropriate box.
4. If there is any foreign currency involved in the FT,
then check the corresponding conversion amount.
5. After transferring the fund, check whether it is
successfully transferred or not by getting the

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What types of validation check u need to do in fund transfer..? ..

Answer / piyush

hii asuri
your first 2 points i think are verifications not
validations,plz explain me if i am wrong

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