Difference between pass by value and pass by reference?

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sir i want to study the c++ course but ino what is the qualification and the study methode please reply more details in c++

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If there are 1 to 100 Numbers in array of 101 elements. Which is the easy way to find repeated number?

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What are special characters c++?

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i want to know how to copy arrary without using any method or function. I have tried the below using System; class e4 { static void Main(string[] args) { int a,b; int[ ] m= new int[5]; int[ ] n= new int[5]; for(a=0;a<=4;a++) { Console.WriteLine("enter any value"); m[a]=Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); m[a]=n[a]; } for(b=0;b<=4;b++) { Console.WriteLine(n[b]); } } } but it will give wrong result can anyone solve this problem

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What does return 0 do in c++?

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Any one help me plzzzz..... i have an assignment...... that is ______*********_______ Write a program that takes an equation as a string and does the following: Solve 8 parts to achieve 100% 1 - 5 are compulsory. Input: 2x^2+3x+4=0 1) read a quadratic equation 2) print its coefficients (coefficients range is 0 to 9) 3) print the solution of the equation 4) tackle imaginary solution e.g. ( (2+3i), (2-3i) ) 5) allow spaces within the input 6) after solving one equation; ask for an other, terminate on empty line. * 7) tackle negative values as well * 8) tackle more than one values of same exponent (e.g. 2x^2 + 3x^2 + 4x + 3 = 0)* 9) use strtok * 10) print the solution in fractions e.g. 1.5 should be printed as (1)1/2 * 11) coefficient can be greater than 9** 12) values on both sides of the ‘=’ sign** 13) plot the graph of the polynomial** 14) use a compiler other than Borland** 15) submit before May 25, 2009 11:59 PM ** _______******________ plz send me c++ code at sweety.alvi@gmail.com

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what are prototypes

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Write a program which is required to process the time of a clock in hours and minutes, entered from the keyboard. With this program, there are two requirements for any data entered by a user: 1. The data must be of the correct type (in this case, two ints). 2. The data must be in the correct range: this means that, for the minutes, negative numbers and any number above 59 must be rejected; for the hours, negative numbers and any number above 23 must be rejected. Output error message for invalid data input. Output the time one and a half hour after the time input. i.e. Hour: 22 Min: 32 One and a half hour after 22:32 is 00:02

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Name some pure object oriented languages?

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Write a program to find the reverse Fibonacci series starting from N.

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