How will you reverse a string in vbscript?
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I need to get some data from data base and store this (retrieved) data in a excel sheet using VB script in QTP9.0 I have created connection for data base I have created as excels sheet by using Set XL=CreateObject("Excel.Application") XLworksheet.cells(1,1).value= rs.fields.item("<<The data retrieved from data base >>") I have taken a for loop and changed the cells values (1 as i and another 1 as j) But still I am not able to get Plz kindly tell me know this . It is very urgent
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where can i learn VB scripint ?
I want to import the sheet from the Excel to the Datatable using VB Script. I used the Syntax as 'Datatable.ImportSheet "Filename","SourceSheet","Destinat ionSheet" Ex: Datatable.ImportSheet "D:\Data1.xls","Sheet1","Global" Qtp producing run time error,How I can solve the problem
write a vb script to display ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
In the Web page we have a table link, if we click on that link all the contents under that link will be sorted (asscending/Descending). Now i want to check in which order the list is ? for that i need to get the data in to some var How can i get that cells data?
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what is the code in QTP to take screen shot? Please send me any one to my mail id. my mailid is
What is the purpose of folders object of scripting.filesystemobject class in vbscript?
Capture the Unique label changes on google home page for I am feeling lucky button and save those label changes to Notepad Note: Using QTP
what is event handling?