How can we assign an object in Java Script?? For Example:- ----------- If i create an object "obj1" var obj1 = Object(); = "hari"; and if i want to assign it to two objects "obj2" and "obj3" with different names... = "gopi" obj2 = new Object(obj1); = "raghu" obj3 = new Object(obj1) Now become to "raghu" from "gopi". WHY? how to solve the above problem?
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Would we be able to call server-side code from javascript?
Whats with the -alpha in the install instructions?
Describe Ajax With its Implementation Process ? Give an example?
How do I access data from other domains to create a mashup with java?
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Do I really need to learn javascript before ajax?
What is the use of the scriptmanager control in ajax? : ajax
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Is it possible to set session variables from javascript?
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