If you have a string "one two three", which shell command would you use to extract the strings?
5 11920What is the difference between a shell variable that is exported and the one that is not exported?
6 10546Post New Shell Script Questions
What is in a script?
Is shell a part of kernel?
Print a given number, in reverse order using a shell script such that the input is provided using command line argument only.
What is a shell script in windows?
What is shift command in shell script?
What does $@ mean bash?
What does $1 mean in bash?
What is path variable bash?
What is basename in shell script?
What does debug script mean?
How to use arguments in a script?
one folder contains lot of students name but I want to fetch hello with every student name individually using shell script
Is shell and terminal the same?
Is powershell a language?
What are the types of script?