For example out of 100 test cases if I ask you to automate
how many you can automate?

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For example out of 100 test cases if I ask you to automate how many you can automate?..

Answer / rajenra

Hai, i am rajendra

Procudure fors convension of test cases in to automated
testscripts, as follows
1.Select a test case,
Study the testing procedure,
Record the script according to test procedure,
Insert Check points whereever we want to check the
expected and actual values,
Upload the testscript in to testscript management tool.

2.Another method for experienced software automated
testers is
Descrptive Programming(DP).
In this tester will write the test script by looking at
testprocedure of testcase.
It is very advanced one,which saves testscript generation
Do rememeber one thing for record and playback script
generation we need complete stable build for script

But in the case of Descriptive programming no need of
complete stable build.

So Descriptive Programming saves lots of test development

and also one more importent thing is frame work
implementaion for automation.


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For example out of 100 test cases if I ask you to automate how many you can automate?..

Answer / priya

Automating a TC does not depend on a TC no, and more over
the fact is that for only for longer projects we go for
automation.Only in bigger prj the requirements are larger in
number and when we go for automation the purpose of
automation is satisfied like(saving the execution time for
test cases,regression running,resources,man hour)
The main criteria for automation is stable requirement and
reusable.Only when we a requirement is stable,time spent in
scripting will be meaningful cuz the creation of scripts
takes time.Our regression time is saved when we automate.

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For example out of 100 test cases if I ask you to automate how many you can automate?..

Answer / rohit

First we have to check the deadlock of the project
Than priority wise do 1 by 1 till deadlock
Within deadlock how much you can do would be your talent
But at least you can do 40 to 50 test cases a day

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