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Infinite Computer Solutions Interview Questions
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what is the differance between .DLL & .EXE

10 20247

What are all the standard interfaces in the GL,AP,AR,PO,OM and INV?

5 21657

when there is no enough time to compleate the test what you will do ?

6 9804

what is run time object

4 8190

what is objectrepositry

9 12264

what is project architecture?give brief explanation about project architecture?

3 53936

what is input pramater out output pramater ?i want the decrepation..?how to use in QTP?

3 10306

what is the difference between project based testing and product based testing?

2 7419

what is the difference between BVA&ECP?

3 9418

In single page subfile,if I select the mutiple options in 1 page and without pressing enter,I press rollup key (pagedown).In such case how I can handle it in rpg becasue in single page we have to handle it in pgm. It would be helpful if any one answer with coding

4 18578

struts comes under which layer of three tire architecture in real time projects plz i need explaination?

10 17939

what is INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT and how it is related to database,mainframes,java, overall how can u explain what it is and how much it is useful for fresher in the company bec iam selected for IM training?(basically iam java trained candidate)


While we are doing data migration, how you upload partially closed invoices.


What is BGP attribute & How many types of attributes are used by BGP???

5 66327

What will happen inside init() in servlet. my interviewer asked servlet lifecycle. i said "once servlet is loaded in to memory init() will be called which performs servlet initialization " . Again interview asked what values will be initialized . what is difference between init() and init(ServletConfig config).

2 12507

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Will it bother you if the guy at the next desk times the frequency and duration of your bathroom or coffee breaks on the grounds that ?you are getting paid twice as much as he is??


What is c++ redistributable?


What kind of problems can be solved by a namespace?


i need diploma electronic and comunication question papers


You are using the accounts approach to parallel valuation and classic assets accounting. You need to create a new financial statement version to valuation based of IFRS principles. In asset accounting, what posting options can you choose for the new depreciation area? (any 2 answer) Area post in real time Area posts APC directly and depreciation periodically Area posts APC only directly Area posts APC and depreciation periodically


What is logical cohesion?


Are c# references the same as c++ references?


What happens when a campaign consistently meets its average daily budget?


Give statistical data on Ehrlichiae ?


Which rpa provides an open platform for automation?


What things would you remember while making an interface?


Who found java?


What is excel criteria?


Suppose you purchase new air filters and return the old damaged filters. This is a case of purchase and return simultaneously. How will you map such business scenario in sap mm?


Excise duty applicable for Handmade Production?