explain current project?
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Answer / satyanarayana.a
First of all we have to tell the project details like
project title,clients name,the front end and backend
technologies used for the application.Then we have to give
the desciption of the project briefly.Then we have to
explain about the module in which we involved and our role
and responsibilities.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 88 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / subhan.qa
explain the project wich is ur current one.
first tell them the project title ,client of the project,wt
is the main aim of the project,main modules of project,flow
of ur project with submodules,explain where u r mainly
involved.thats all
Is This Answer Correct ? | 51 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / narendra
Ans: current one ‘Health Care Management System’ Client: Birlamedisoft Pvt. Ltd.
The main aim of this Health Care Management System is to implement a online software application for maintaining drugs information, patients information, nurse information and doctors information in a single application. Doctors and patients can view this data from anywhere which will save time.
This application is also useful for pharmacist to inquire about the drugs and update information about drugs to database.
involved.Admin Module thats all
 Understanding the Requirements and Functional Specifications of the Project.
 Identified Test Scenarios required for testing.
 Participated in designing the Test cases.
 Prepared and Executed Test Cases as per System Requirements.
 Performed various black box testing Methodologies like Functionality Testing, Usability Testing and Regression Testing.
 Defect Reporting and Tracking using HP QC 10.0 and Bugzilla 3.2.
 HP QTP 10.0 was used to generate automated test scripts for functionality.
 Created and Implemented Customized Hybrid framework.
 Test Management (Test Case Execution and Defect Reporting) using HP QC 10.0.
Extensively performed Manual Testing process to ensure the quality of the software
Java, JSP, Tomcat 7.0, HTML, Oracle 10g, HP QTP 10.0, HP QC 10.0, IE 9.0, Fire Fox 8.0, Windows XP and Toad for Oracle 10.0.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 35 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / chenna kesava reddy
First of all we have to tell the project details like
project title,clients name,the front end and backend
technologies used for the application.Then we have to give
the desciption of the project briefly.
explain about our role and responsibilities.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / saratha
First of all tell ur project title, and client name, and
what's the role you are taking in this project and then
explain about your project briefly..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / taj
I need know how many module are in telecome domain.and how
to explain project architecture?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 4 No |
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