What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural
Programming ?

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What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / pramendra kumar verma

oops is a simply a programming model that simplyfies
software development & maintainence by providing certain
rules and regulation for the development to followed to
developing and maintaining the software.oops have some
features like
data encapsulation

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 22 No

What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / p.madhupriya

OOPS means Object Oriented Programming Languages and
Systems and is different from the Structural programming in
the fact that in OOPS programming you take advantage of
Polymorphism, Multiple inheritance and Abstraction and
Encapsulation of the data by using Private and this helps
in Security of Data while giving you the levarage to
program your software system with the maximum flexibility.
In procedural program ,programming logic follows
certain procedures and the instructions are executed one
after another. In OOPs program,unit of program is
object,which is nothing but combination of data and code.

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What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / jagdeep kumar tripathi

oops mean object oriented programming system.it is fully
based on class and object methodology.which is concerned to
the real world problem and its solution. so it takes the
principal of incaptulation,inheritance,abstaction and
polymorphasim.these principal help to make the program
problam solving to the real world.
oops uses class to bind the relative methods, property and
events together and this class is used by object by
different name. this is also used to create other object
which used other class property.

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What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / pankaj singh rawat

oops is mainly used for abstraction of data .it enhances the
reusability and easy to maintain the code. It uses objects
for everything which gives better understanding about large
projects to new programmer onto that project.
It uses the encapsulation,inheritance,polymorphism to achive
this goal.
while procedure oriented language is related to procedure in
which a large program have sub-program called procedure or
functions. Benefit is that a global data can be share by
every other function . don't need to define again and
again.Drawback is that data value can be change by any other
function without informing other functions.
Main drawback of this type of programming is that its very
complex to understand large modified programs to new

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What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / test

OOP is programming which is oriented around objects, thus
taking advantages of encapsulation, polymorphism and
inheritance to increase code reuse and decrease code

In procedural program, programming logic follows certain
procedures and intructions are executed one after another.
In OOP unit of program is object which is nothing but
combination of data and code.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 11 No

What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / teja

oop stands for object oriented programming language
in this language we are giving the main preference to the
object is nothing but that physically exists in our world
And we have another condition also
for every class we must create an objet
procedure oriented programming is nthng but it is having
some step by step procedure

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What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / krishna

OOps is the object oriented programming system in which objects are used to encapsulate data and code,which provides security.logic flows with in the object.
while in procedural language logic flows with in procedure
and there is no any concept of object thats y all program is executed step by step.public and private access specifiers r not used in procedural language,means data will access in whole program ,there is no any security aspects.
OOPS having some adv over procedural language like inheritence,polimorphism,encapsulation etc which make OOPS more flexible sa comp. to procedural language.

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What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / sambhav

OOPS is a methodology used for building software
application and OOPS consist of Classes, Object and Methods.

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What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / swati

A major factor in the invention of Object-Oriented approach
is to remove some of the flaws encountered with the
procedural approach.

Object Orientation Languages (OOL) is concerned to develop
an application based on real time while Procedural
Programing Languages (PPL) are more concerned with the
processing of procedures and functions.

In OOL, more emphasis is given on data rather than
procedures, while the programs are divided into Objects and
the data is encapsulated (Hidden) from the external
environment, providing more security to data which is not
applicable or rather possible in PPL. In PPL, its possible
to expose Data and/or variables to the external entities
which is STRICTLY restricted IN OOL.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 8 No

What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?..

Answer / vikram k

OOPS stands for object oriented programming languages which
uses concepts like class, object, Encapsulation,
Inheritance, data hiding etc and are used to map real world
entities with oops concepts.
Procedural language do one job at a time which is set of
independents procedures suffers from "singularity problem"
other is as simple as way to solve the problems..

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 27 No

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