The unit of inductance is
(a) Ohm
(b) Farad
(c) Henry
(d) Coloumb
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Light year is a unit of (a) Time (b) Speed (c) Space (d) None of these
Sir I am b.teck (bachelor of technology) 4th year (8th semester pursuing)Student.Can I apply for any type exam of Railway? next question is how to prepare myself for any type railway exam.
Panchatantra was written by (1) Kalidas (2) Kautilya (3) Vishnu Sharma (4) Rabindranath Tagore
Under which article of the Constitution, the President of India can proclaim the National Emergency? (1) 356 (2) 352 (3) 123(1) (4) 370
If w is the cubic root of the unit and n, a multiple of 3, then 1 + wn +2wn is equal to (1) 3 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 0
can u plz send me the sample or previous papers of RRB ajmer for the post of SE (Signal)
Communication satellites without any manipulation (a) remain stationary (b) go round or revolve at their own speed (c) are geo-stationary (d) None of these
Which of these places was never the capital of Gangao? (a) Talkadu (b) Mukunda (c) Kolar (d) Elthanka
Hi, i like to know the syllabus for RRB(Section Engineer- Electrical)? Whether the syllabus will be same for every RRB exam conducted in any state.I am Electrical engineer doing my final year.
loco pilots previous test papers of sec
plz send me the RRB recruitment information for mechanical engineers and also website .
G.m sir, I'm vishwas arya.i will attend the rrb exam on assitant loco pilot .please send the model aptitude questions. please