Why a small stone and a big stone reach at the same time
when they are made to fall through the same heights ?

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Why a small stone and a big stone reach at the same time when they are made to fall through the sam..

Answer / asma

Because the value of gravitional acceleration remains the
same either for the big or small ball.Gravitational
acceleration is equal to 9.8m/s. So both the bodies will
come on earth at the same time.

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Why a small stone and a big stone reach at the same time when they are made to fall through the sam..

Answer / sanju

They reach at the same time, because the acceleration die to
gravity at a place on the surface of earth is independent of
the mass of he falling body

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Why a small stone and a big stone reach at the same time when they are made to fall through the sam..

Answer / john rhoades

All the above answers are correct, but don't actually answer the question.

The reason is that the aspect of an object that makes it attracted by gravity (it's mass), is the same aspect that works against acceleration (it's mass). More massive objects take more effort to accelerate, a notion everyone, I hope, understands. Gravity DOES pull more massive objects harder, however, it takes more pull to get massive objects to move, meaning the acceleration remains the same for both heavier and lighter objects.

In [SIMPLIFIED] equations:

Acceleration = Force/Mass, Force = Gravity*Mass, therefor Acceleration = Gravity*Mass/Mass = Gravity

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Why a small stone and a big stone reach at the same time when they are made to fall through the sam..

Answer / bob

These answers are correct, and the question really
represents the triumph of the scientific method over
"reasoning." It makes sense that a small stone will fall
slower than a large stone because it weighs less. However, I
believe it was Galileo who dropped balls from the tower of
pisa and showed that this is not true. A feather will fall
slower than a rock, but it is not because of gravity, but
because of the friction of air on the feather. If you drop
both in a vacuum, they land at the same time. Thus
experiment shows the truth.

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