There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell
guy used to speak lie always and we can ask one and only
one question to move into heaven(twist is we don't know who
is hell or heaven gaurd).how can we move into heaven?

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There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer / g z

I assume u have to ask them both the same question.
So what about asking something like "are you a guard" or
"are you guarding a door" meaning something that is
obviously the same for both of them, then you can tell if
one is lying, and go through the other door.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer / rajiv jindal

here the point to be noted that we have to ask only one
question and it may be of any type(because as per the
requirements the type of question is not mentioned)
so firstly go for smoke & sanity test case:
the solution is very simple
that is
ask to any one of the guard the folowing question:
now there can be only two possible outcomes(reply):
either yes or no
if u r questioning to the right guard then surely he will
and the rong one wll alwys reply with :no

..........any coments wll be well accepted
Rajiv Kumar Jindal
(Test Engineer,Noida)

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer / raam

I feel GZ is right.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer /

Ask anybody : If I ask other guy about hell, what does he

Go through the door guy points to...Enjoy

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer / maddy

sorry to say venkat ....i dought that u'r answer is
wrong.....i will prove it

u'r allowed to answer only one question so
if u ask "are u from hell" to heaven gaurd and he say "No"
and u enter will be heaven
if u ask the same question "are u from hell" to hell gaurd
and he say "No" and u enter it will be hell u'r
answer is wrong

and i agree with answer .....if u want to
prove u'r thinking out of the box then u can say GZ answer

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer / royal bhaskar

I am sure GZ is right

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer / g0dz1la

"Whats 1+1?"
the guy from hell would have to tell a lie and the guy from
heaven the truth??

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer / rayudu

Ask one gaurd that... Are you a gaurd??
If he answered No.He is Hell guy?
so Go to the other door That should be Heaven.
He say I am Gaurd!
He is a heaven guy. Go with him...

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer / saurabh mishra

Rajeev appears to be more correct than GZ. from GZ point of
view we have to ask one question but restriction is not
there on number of gurards. one good question can resolve
the he asked.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can..

Answer / aruba stig

The real answer to this is ,
You ask Either of the Guards this
"If i ask the Other Guy what door he is guarding , what
would he tell me? "

The Heaven Guard , knowing the the other guard always lies
will say " He will say that he's guarding heaven"

The Hell Guard always Lies , So he will say , " He will say
that he's guarding Hell"

that way you can find out who is guarding what

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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