write a qtp code to count the number of child objects in login
page and highlight it

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write a qtp code to count the number of child objects in login page and highlight it..

Answer / mudaseer

set childobj=dialog("text:=login).childobjects
msgbox childobj.count
for i=0 to childobj.count-1

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write a qtp code to count the number of child objects in login page and highlight it..

Answer / prathyusha

set olink=Description.create
olink.add "micclass","text"
set olinkcol=B().P().Link().childobjects(olink)
msgbox olinkcol.count
for i=0 to olinkcol.count-1

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VM1 = "Invalid username or password. Please try again. " VM2 = "Email id is required.Password is required. " VM3 = "Email id is an invalid e-mail address.Password is required. " VM4 = "Password is required. " VM5 = "Email id is required. " VM6 = "Email id is an invalid e-mail address. " 'Rowcount of the Local sheet Rowcount = DataTable.GetSheet("Invalid login transactions").GetRowCount 'Valid emailid and Password Emailid = "test@iteamic.com" Password = "Password0" 'For i = 1 to Rowcount 'Parameterised Email_id Browser("Browser").Page ("Page").WebEdit("emailAddress").Set DataTable("Email_id", dtLocalSheet) EID = Browser("Browser").Page ("Page").WebEdit("emailAddress").GetRoProperty("value") 'Parameterised Password Browser("Browser").Page ("Page").WebEdit("password").Set DataTable("Password", dtLocalSheet) PWD = Browser("Browser").Page ("Page").WebEdit("password").GetROProperty("Value") If EID = Emailid And PWD = Password Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "EID & PWD check", "Email id and Password is correct, One iteration of Invalid login attempts is not being executed" Else Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebButton ("Sign-In").Click 'Output value exported to the local sheet Browser("Browser").Page ("Page_2").Output CheckPoint("Home page_Sign in") 'Storing the output value in a variable(OUTPUT OUTPUT = Datatable.GetSheet ("Invalid login transactions").Getparameter ("Validation_message_signin").value 'comparing the Variable Output and the Validation message for a given input If OUTPUT = VM1 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM1", "Invalid username or password. Please try again. " else if OUTPUT = VM2 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM2", "Email id is required.Password is required. " else if OUTPUT = VM3 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM3", "Email id is an invalid e-mail address.Password is required. " else if OUTPUT = VM4 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM4", "Password is required. " else if OUTPUT = VM5 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM5", "Email id is required. " else if OUTPUT = VM6 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM6", "Email id is an invalid e-mail address. " else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "EID & PWD check_FAIL", "Validation message checkpoint failed. The captured v msg is not required" End if End if I am getting syntax error saying "Expected 'End If'" at the last line, Why is this? Kindly explain...

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