In QTP I have a parameter in a datatable that is a
sentence. I need to take the last word from the sentence
and enter it into a field in a web application. How can I
setup a parameter to enter in just a portion of the
parameter (last word of the sentence) instead of the entire
paramater (whole sentence).

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In QTP I have a parameter in a datatable that is a sentence. I need to take the last word from the..

Answer / ravimmishra

SystemUtil.Run "notepad.exe", "","",""
iRCount = DataTable.GetSheet(dtGlobalSheet).GetRowCount
msgbox iRCount
For i = 1 to iRCount
sDatColVal = DataTable.Value("Comment")
sFinVal = Split(sDatColVal, " ")
iFinValLen = UBound(sFinVal)
Window("Notepad").WinEditor("Edit").Type sFinVal(iFinValLen) + micReturn

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In QTP I have a parameter in a datatable that is a sentence. I need to take the last word from the..

Answer / zak

Thank you for the helpful response! I included the code in
my script and it is taking the last word from the parameter
and putting it into notepad.

I now need to input this word into a field of the web page
as a security answer. What is the best way to do this? Is
it possible to replace the previous parameter (whole
sentence) with the new parameter (last word of the

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