i have worked in 11 month duration project. interviewed
person asked me for wat purpose you worked in that project
and wat you worked.
you worked for a long time in one project. its loss for the
company you worked.

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i have worked in 11 month duration project. interviewed person asked me for wat purpose you worked..

Answer / saff

sample answer
i worked as a qa tester
i worked for verifying and validating the system so that
the system is as per requirments and so customer

i dont agree that it is loss
since testing is the only source where we can find the bug
before a customer does
and testing is the only source which helps the companies
from unexpected expenses of development and even worse
project failure
and testing is the only source
where a customer can get up to date updates about the
system he is investing in

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i have worked in 11 month duration project. interviewed person asked me for wat purpose you worked..

Answer / priya

what he know the application got so many bugs it took long
time to fix n retest.do not worry, some people always try
to pull other pople's legs.

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i have worked in 11 month duration project. interviewed person asked me for wat purpose you worked..

Answer / guest

i worked for a bank which introducing ebanking .it want to
cover all the things

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i have worked in 11 month duration project. interviewed person asked me for wat purpose you worked..

Answer / dinesh

i said testing the module and send the report to the test

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