what are the steps involved in the formation of osazone
from glucose?

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what are the steps involved in the formation of osazone from glucose?..

Answer / raj

Reaction with phenyl hydrazine involves only 2 carbon
atoms.one mole of phenyl hydrazine reacts with one mole of
aldose to form mole of hydrazone.
phenyl hydrazine reduces itself to aniline and ammonia.
third mole of phenyl hydrazine reacts with aldohydrazone
to produce osazone.

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what are the steps involved in the formation of osazone from glucose?..

Answer / anuseema

Rxn firstly involve codensation of one molecule of phenyl
hydrazine with aldehyde group of glucose then second
molecule of ph.hydrazine oxidises alcoholic group of carbon
atom adjacent to ketone group by removal of hydrogen atom
and thus give osazone

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what are the steps involved in the formation of osazone from glucose?..

Answer / gaurav

The first hydrazine molecule forms a condensation product
with aldehyde or ketone group, and while doing that forms a
cyclic H bonded intermediate with the hydroxy ("H" of the
adjacent -OH,what follows is the transfer of hydrogen on the
carbon bound to N and thus oxidizing the first carbon
[initial -OH bearing carbon]. The second hydrazine abstracts
one proton from the aldehyde and gets reduced to aniline and
ammonia and thus oxidizes aldehyde to ketone,wherein you
require the third phenyl hydrazine molecule to complete the
Osazone formation :)

For more information check out
"Barry & Mitchell - Nature 175, 220 [29 Jan 1955]

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 10 No

what are the steps involved in the formation of osazone from glucose?..

Answer / shimaa

why first two carbon only in fractous react with osazone?

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 6 No

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