How to change the Default synchronization method time and

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How to change the Default synchronization method time and where?..

Answer / naren

Test->Settings->select Run tab and change the default value

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How to change the Default synchronization method time and where?..

Answer / poonam

Default synchronization method time can be changed by:
In Menu Test->Settings, choose the tab "Run", change the
Object synchronization timeout.

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How to change the Default synchronization method time and where?..

Answer / nanda


u can change there default time..but it is not suggested
at all...becoz it will effect execution...

by scripting..u can use waitproperty, sync and wait methods
for synchronization.

If any queries..

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How to change the Default synchronization method time and where?..

Answer / johnson

In qtp 9.2 File-->settings-->select run tab in Test setting
window - change the values in object synchronization timeout
text box.

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