How do you test the different ads displayed in the Inbox
home page of Yahoo.

Once u login Yahoo mail, in inbox page there will a banner,
where different ads are scrolling, how do you test that
using qtp?

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How do you test the different ads displayed in the Inbox home page of Yahoo. Once u login Yahoo ..

Answer / tathagata mukherjee

By Using Descripttive programming you can resolve this

set img_obj =Description create
img_obj("html tag").value="IMG"
img_obj("class name").value="Image"
img_obj("image type").value="imagelink"


It will the generic code to click any image link

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How do you test the different ads displayed in the Inbox home page of Yahoo. Once u login Yahoo ..

Answer / saff

if u insert pagechekpoint to thatpage it will show all the
links and thier sourses

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