Queries for Big4 Articleship : Procedure of application and
selection? ( Resume, Cut off ? Rank, Contacts needed,
Exams, Interviews, General Questions ? Personality traits,
Special Knowledge etc.)

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Queries for Big4 Articleship : Procedure of application and selection? ( Resume, Cut off ? Rank, C..

Answer / hussaina bhorasawala

keep on try you will definetly get your target..

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 5 No

Queries for Big4 Articleship : Procedure of application and selection? ( Resume, Cut off ? Rank, C..

Answer / bunty gupta

Form a good resume which shows your strenth clerly.must
control over your language.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 1 No

Queries for Big4 Articleship : Procedure of application and selection? ( Resume, Cut off ? Rank, C..

Answer / ankit trivedi

frankly speaking its all about luck. You may have got good
no. of marks but if your C.V doesn't match their criteria
you may not get a call. It may also happen that students
with lesser marks than you might be selected. Don't get
disheartened because of that. Sum times Random selection is
also done.

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 23 No

Queries for Big4 Articleship : Procedure of application and selection? ( Resume, Cut off ? Rank, C..

Answer / sujata gupta

first comand shoud be over ur body language,
n way of talking,
doesnt matter whether u r rank holder or not..
its all about your luck..
just you shoud have your confidence..

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 1 No

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