How can I map test requirement to Test Set (multiple test
cases)? Under test lab, I have multiple test cases. I would
like to map 1 requirement to all test cases under that test
set (in test lab)? Currently, I think QC only allow mapping
1 test requirement to 1 test case. Instead I would like to
map 1 test requirement to multiple test cases under one
test lab.
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Answer / uday
Select Test Set in test lab module. Now click on Select test
link displayed.
By default, here test plan is selected. Choose Requirements
tree and select the requirements for the test set.
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Answer / kiran
GOTO Requirements Tab
Right Click on the Requirement to you want to add test cases
Select Requirement Details
Select Test Coverage
Click on the Select
Test plan tree will be opend and select the tests from the
test plan
Hope this what you are looking for
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / paddy
What is the solution? ANyone let me know how to map
requirement to multiple test set.
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Hi Friends, Would be great if you can provide the Model Question paper, Web site link or any reference s. Thanks & Regards, Byzoor,