what is the difference between breeder seed and certified

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what is the difference between breeder seed and certified seed?..

Answer / ravindra

Breeder seed is produced from nucleus seed.
it is 100% genetically pure.
it have all the morphological charecters that the breeder
the breeder seed will have a golden yellow label.

Certified seed produced from foundation seed by govt
agencyor pvt agency.
its qualities are certified by seed certifying agency.
it is given a blue label and supplied to farmers for

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what is the difference between breeder seed and certified seed?..

Answer / harish

The certified seed can be sown for not more than 3 gen after foundation seed.
For beeter understanding 4 stages are there
1. Nucleus
2. Breeder
3. Foundation seed- F1, F2. In US registered seed is also there.
4. Certified

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what is the difference between breeder seed and certified seed?..

Answer / shyam galani

is there any reduction in genetic purity of self pollinted
crop during its multiplication from breeder to certified

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what is the difference between breeder seed and certified seed?..

Answer / abubakar ismaila

Breeders seed is genetically pure while certified seeds is
not as pure as breeders seeds since it has under go
different stages before being certified.

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what is the difference between breeder seed and certified seed?..

Answer / ravita choudhary

breeder seed is a progeny of nucleus seed or geneticaly pure
and certified seed is a progeny of foundation seed.

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what is the difference between breeder seed and certified seed?..

Answer / atal kumar

foundation seed is the progeny of breeder seed@certified seed is the progeny of foundation seed and nucleus seed 100% genetic purity

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