what is a chiral molecule?

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what is a chiral molecule?..

Answer / gopu.r

an organic molecule with carbon attached by four different
groups are chiral molecule

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what is a chiral molecule?..

Answer / sravani

Acarbon is said to be chiral or assymetric when it is
attached to four different groups.Their mirror images do
not superimpose with eachother.

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what is a chiral molecule?..

Answer / prathima

an organic molecule which has handedness and hence
optically active is called chiral molecule.

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what is a chiral molecule?..

Answer / vani

The carbon attached to four different groups & having no
elements of symmetry

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what is a chiral molecule?..

Answer / madhavi

a molecule which has an asymmetric carbon atom

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what is a chiral molecule?..

Answer / jyoti tekale

a carbon attached to four differend groups is called as chiral molecule.

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what is a chiral molecule?..

Answer / shashi kumar

A carbon atom is connected with four various diffferent
groups and cannot be cut in equal halves is called as a
chiral molecule or assymtreic molecule.

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