what is the punchline of mathura refinery? what are role of entrepreneurship at mathura refinery?
2316i had been rejected once..,now if i remove my money which i have borrowed and the passs book entry and balance certificate of the previous one, would it do for the next interview or i have to make again new statements for just 10 days??
1691Why do you wish to go for a management career? What alternative career you are considering and why? Describe your strengths and weaknesses as identified by you? What is the most significant achievement so far?
2 23079Q. 1 Research serves a single purpose-that of providing information to assist marketing manager to make better decisions? Elaborate this statement.
1 3180i would like to know about satyam bpo interview tips and what they will ask in the interview please give me answer
1 6008Being a researcher in marketing company how can you search the opportunities and monitor the threats of your product?
1724Post New Business Administration Questions
in mba personal interview, if someone ask me that you choose hr as your career why not marketing or finance?
I need the Turn Over Ratio Normally TOR= Cost of sales /Avg Inventory, If i dont have stock (I brought and sold the item once in last 1 yr) in that case what will be my average inventory...
what are the new role of human resource develpment
whats personnel manager job market?
Suppose you need to conduct a small marketing research study in your neighborhood regarding the purchase and use of detergent powders. What will be your approach in the process?
tell me about time when you had to present your skills influence someone openion
What is your the greatest weakness?
related to personal A/c 1000rupes ram deposite in bank own account
why do u want to join the teaching career in management college, when u r working as a sales manager in MNC advertising company
What do you mean by incomplete records?
what is ur outlook in life???
A. Distinguish between the individual and the group decision - making, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of group decision-making. B. Distinguish between individual change and organizational change.
how do you plan to use this degree
what is debenture
Under Operatons, What are the principles of control and Mangement?