What happens when generator is running with leading power factor on it say -0.96. what are the effects of it on alternator and the other generators operating in parallel to it.
2 5332I want to give Power supply to a house from the Feeder, Total Load of the House is 128 KW, how to calculate cable size for this load ?
5 10476for same rating of a transformer and induction motor which one will have higher magnetising current flowing?
2 3737Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
What is the unit of attenuation?
On what cycle does thermal power plant operate?
234 MVA Generator 3 phase Short circuit current Values required? Gen set Rating-234 MVA, Gen Voltage-18kv, PF;0.8, Xdv:23.5 %, Transformer Rating-18/380KV, 680MVA,Yndd1 two winding, Step up TR, ZT:35.50 %,X/R 4.33 Gen CB Position, CB open ,Disconnected open, Generator Running Voltage 18 Kv, Bi mistakes generator side earth switch Closed during that time short circuit current level in 3 Phase required, and how to test on site 234MVA Generator Short circuit current,
Give atleast 20 alternating current apparatus and devices.
Why computer humming sound occurred in ht transmission line?
Define ohm’s law for a.c (alternating current)?
write circuit diagram for a motor rotate in forward direction once it started and when pressed the same button it should rotate in anticlockwise.
In radial network the source is fed from 1 end both ends at central
Please explain me abt PQ diagaram in the power sector.
What is quadrantal symmetry?
working principle a.v.r. ?
How will calculate losses in an multi core Aluminium LT cable of different sizes & upto what length we can use a LT Cable ?
How calculated single phase induction motor req. Capacitor?
What is inductance?
what is the function of gss in the dg set.