is there any chart showing the suitable cable size according to AMP and length ? for three phase motors
1090why is the power generator connected as star earthed or star earthed through reactance and what its features ?
1328May I know how much values to be set for earth fault, over current and short circuit values at 11kv side? I have 11kv van 1250amps rating. Present it's taking load 80amps?
1157Logic using 1 kV or 1,1 kV grade in house wiring Low voltage cable. Explain/suggest? some use 1kV and some prefer 1.1kV grade insulation low voltage cable why??
1368In general bus riser follows the bus section in SWGR. What are impacts if bus section follows bus riser?
1207I want formula to calculate cable size as per load given in length & amp. I searched many sites but didn't right answer. Please reply me asap.
1178What happens if the negative to earth voltage is greater than positive to earth voltage in the battery of substation?
1238Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
why surge protectetor work explain with the help of circut diagram?
how current is reverse from its normal direction during the fault?
What is the count of hvdc transmission lines in india?
Explain Circuit Breaker Trip Characteristics in detail.
what is the minimum requirement gigaohms for the insulation test using 5kv in 300mm xlpe cable
what is the preventive maintence for ht panels and busbars and vcb abd acb's.
Draw transformer phasor diagram.(full load,no load)
For high frequency application we use which transformer?
In diesel generator how AVR get voltage to excitation. And basic diagram DG EXCITATION CIRCUIT.
Please define ohm’s law for a.c (alternating current)?
What are the advantages of autotransformer?
Why are lt windings placed near the core?
Why choke coil is connected in series with starter in tubelight??why starter is connected in parallel to tubelight??
How many types of interlocking use in screw type air compressor,make-Kaser(BSD MODEL)?