Civil Engineering Interview Questions
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how should we take soil sample for CBR test?

1 6068

for concrete cubes samples.. what if the 7 days gain the strength of 42.34 mm/2 and the 28 days only gain the strength of 37.5 mm/2?

2 4382

what is the praposion of M30 concrete mix.

6 9709

how much lap we should provide in columns for Fe-500?

8 11621

how to calculate cement mortor for wet and dry mix for different ratios

1 5317

what is the ratio of young's modulus of elasticity for a mild steel specimen in tension and compression?


7 12951

which one is strong? field weld or shop weld?


6 15015

what is the standard mix proportion of m60 grade?

2 8446

What is stripping?

2 5550

how many digree of freedom in four bar chain


How may digree of freedon in four bar chain.

1 4349

what is 43 and 53 grade of cement? that 43 & 53 represents what?

L&T, Saint Gobain,

8 28129

what is mean by bulking of sand?

CCCL, Mytas,

1 2851

what is mean by bond strength?

1 5730

what is the max. area can we apply the plate load test ?


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suppose we have a tendency to make a hole on the surface of the simple supported beam, than where we goes to make it?


i) Distinguish between Theodolite and dumpy Level? (Marks-8) ii)Distinguish between Viscous and Turbulent flow? (Marks-8) iii) Distinguish between nominal and design mix? iv) What is standard sand? v) Explain the term plane stress? Vi) Differentiate between principal plane and principal axis? Vii) write short notes on Elastic limit of structural steel? viii) Write short notes on stress concentration? ix) write short notes on "Grading of Sand" ? x) How many grades of concrete are there under standard concrete?


Rate analysis for construction of a solid block masonary of size 400x200x200 in C.M.1:5 in superstructure .Compressive strength 5.00 N/ Confirming to IS: 12894:1990, with necessary scaffolding, raking of joints and pointing the same. I require rate per Cum.


Doul Bar reinforcement and details of drawing.


silt%= silt volume/ silt+sand volume is this right?


what is the dimensions of river sand truck trailer or trolly ?


Requirement of cement, and steel 1:2:4 ratio concrete in 1128 Sqft area(Cement No of bags, steel in Kgs)


Why are steel plates inserted inside bearings in elastomeric bearing?


why we use aggregate,sand with cement in concrete?


How to calculate the quantity of ingredients of M20 grade concrete?


Pls provide me with the calculation or codes related to de- shuttering of flat slabs


Howmuch bend to be provide for 200/600 BEEM


What is meant by scaffolding coefficient?


Explain what is change order request?


How many mortar required for Brickwork of 1 Cu.m works??