Testing Interview Questions
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In a web application one page is getting open in server & if i tries to open the same page in the local system,application is throwing page not found error. what are all the possible scenarios? Please let me know the scenarios


1 4516

Hi Friends, How to trap an error message on Web page through QTP. Example:- When I put wrong user id or Password on a web page, I get the error message. So when I add the error object in Reposatory, every time it shows as Login Failed Object exist, eventhough using corret login details. And if I do the same without adding the object it shows as object not found. This might be because while recording QTP takes every new page as _1 _2 _3 and so on. as below. Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_1"). >>login Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_2"). >>Inbox Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_3"). >>Sent Items I used below code. Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("firstname").Set strFN Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("lastname").Set strLN Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("userid").Set strUserID Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebEdit("password").Set strPass Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX").WebButton("Login >").Click If Browser("XXXXX").Page("XXXXX_2").Image ("msg_icon_error").Exist 5 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "XXXXX", "Login Failed!" ExitRun (It shows login failed ever after login is passed. Else Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "XXXXX", "Login Successful!" End If Please find out a way for me here, and provide me with the correct code. Thanks in Advance.

1 5873

What is the difference b/w test case and scenario?

4 6213

is test case required to be baselined?


From Which part of the Requirement we will prepare Test Cases


3 6758

Hello! I want to choose a software for verfication and validation. Can some one give me option for choosing software to test?


Who is the father of Software Testing? Who has invent the water fall model? Who has invent the spiral model? Who has invent the prototype model? Who has invent the v-v model? Who has invent the Hybrid model?

1 10382

How to see the screens after running test in QTP?

1 2997

What is the difference between Accessibility Checkpoint and Bitmap Checkpoint in QTP? Note: I have read it in QTP help but i dont want answer from that.......

1 2921

What is FT Disk?

1 3263

How can u know IP Address of a computer?


2 6069

What is Environment Requirement?


4 7143

I want to learn QTP Online, where can I get quality training?


15 20196

List out the difference between Verification and Validation.

7 7892

Hi DUE TO SOME PROBLEMS I STOPPED MY MCA IN FINAL YEAR. I AM PLANING TO KEEP FAKE CERTIFICATE OF MCA, PLEASE HELP ME IF ANY ONE CAN HELP ME IN THIS. YOU CAN REACH ME AT venu.naidu1@gmail.com, for this i will pay 5000 to 7000, and i will maintain it very confidential. please help.

5 6308

Un-Answered Questions { Testing }

Where is the resultset of a sqlquery (which is fired by rsobj.open sqlquery,xxxx,xxxx) stored ?


Write the script to delete the mail which is at 9th,13th and 18th place in INBOX of Gmail ?


Mention what is listeners in selenium webdriver?


why you have standardized functions? plzzz guys with real time exp. do answer


Give some examples for test management tools?


After executing the script in qtp suppose i found some script execute successfully and found some error.So how to report the status for both (i.e pass and fail report)in test director. For "fail" We use "defect tab" in testdirector. But for "pass" how to report it to TL.what is the process plz anybody ans


Relative to other technical groups in the company? Relative to your staff?


How can you identify the browser and its information using the qtp script?


How can you identify the browser and its information using QTP script?


How to perform right click using selenium webdriver?


What is crud testing and how to test crud?


how can you test the web environment for security testing?


What is the main difference between the close() and quit() methods?


How to switch between multiple windows in selenium?


What is Bomb Testing?