Testing Interview Questions
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what is mean security testing ? define with example

HCL, Matrix,

4 20500

If database testing i which way the testing will be done,by just writing the queries or else anything extra we do?if so where write those queries and where will we store those?

1 2556

How sanitary or smoke testing process will done in the application?mainly how we start doing that test?

2 4555

When will we start the regression testing and how(means the process or steps which follows)?

6 10988

As soon as we get the build what type test we will do?and how?

5 6075

How the build you will get in which form and to whom first it gets and how will they send to the testers?and who install it in the system?

Cap Gemini,

2 4753

You get the build directly from the developer or through tl,if so how?

1 3338

In the team both developers as well as testers will be included na,if so then the same TL will assign the work for testers also or else TL will be different for testers?

2 3048

How will we come to know that its a bug,in what situations we consider it as a bug?

3 4406

If its a bug whats the next process?to whom will we send it and in which way or form?

2 4047

so far how many bugs you have found?what are those means what should we answer for that?

2 3987

If the developer rejects that its not abug means then whats the next step we follow?

8 7505

can anyone explain about the Descriptive programming in detail. I mean how to use in the script.

1 4823

Can anyone explain about Keyword driven framework in detail and how to use it in case of any project

4 13350

Can any one send me the Sample sanity Test Cases??? Mail id:veerabhadrudu.p@gmail.com



Un-Answered Questions { Testing }

what type of framework u r using in ur organization


what is meant by Responsive testing in Mobile sites ?


How do you Prepare a Defect Managemnt Policy


Mention what are the types of a processor in jmeter?


How to pass parameters using testng.xml?


What is the purpose of the getoptions() method?


What are the different cost elements involved in implementing a process in an organization?


What is desk checking and control flow analysis


What can be thought of as being based on the project plan, but with greater amounts of detail?


Manual and automation how do they help in bringing out quality product? Explain?


What is the use of text output value in quicktest professional (qtp)?


www.icici.com after this home page wll came, in this page what r the items we r going to test for manual and what the element we r test for QTP... explian clearly with example


I have one Scenario login then bookcoffee then logout explain test plan for above scenario?


Can you explain function points?


What Framework is suitable to validate the Login screen.