If we get 100% assay of an Initial sample ,and the stability studies of the same sample got 90% dissolution result, and when the same stability sample was analyzed for RS studies no impurities was found . Where the 10% Active substance were gone during dissolution analysis.Please help me in getting the conclusion.
1 3493what type of lubricant oil should be apply on idle machine& storage of dies punch? What type of oil used on punch barrel?
1 9496Why and when RRF is required to be known in RS Method? How is it helpful during method development?
3 6000Why we use potassium hydrogen pthalate for determination of calibration in Total organic carbon
1804How to measure each & every tablets hardness in compaction force control system of compression machine?
1839what are all the parameters to be considered while applying bracketing and matrixing?where and all it is applicable?
1768what are all the needs or pre-requisites to perform project on bracketing and matrixing of stability products?
at what interval Ukrainian audit will come once you register your product??
What is pooled sample and why it is required in dissolution test?
Describe some major trends in pharmaceutical field?
How we fix the validity period of a volumetric solution and re-standardization due date?
what is difference between usfda and mhra guidline
why we use SLS in dissolution
Why we are using propyl parabben in methanol in calibration of hplc for GPV test??
plz if anyone have a model question papers for exam of drug inspector than plz send me on my E-mail ID hitesh_hirpara2000@yahoo.com
what is the difference of vaccum pressure and vapour pressure ?
Discuss the potential side effects and risks associated with Alprazolam usage. How would you manage or mitigate these side effects in a patient?
What is your work experience in pharmaceutical field?
How related substance method is developed for new compound which is not official in the pharmacopeia?
i've completed B.Pharmacy in nov.2009 & now i want to apply for drug inspector,but i don't know about the eligibility ,procedure to apply ,entrance test,interviews,etc. so i want a detailed information about it.please send me the information.thanks
Which instrument used fbd fingerbag pore size identify purpose
what is the defination of Change Control given in various guidelines?