Genetics Interview Questions
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what happens in Postmeiotic segregation?

1 2212

what is Translation ?

4 4462

what is Homosexual Gene?

1 2496

how to represent "o" blood group?

2 4485

what is a Genetic Disorder ?

1 3378

How DNA is being Transplanted?


Does postraumatic stress mutate genes?


name the Best plant to practice breading/genetic study?

2 3931

what is Genetic Base for a Species ?

1 2901

what is Human gene for height ?

1 3348

cancer cells have their dna wound back wards, is that true?


what are the genetical reasons behind obesity?


what is the role of Beta-lactamase in Gene Cloning ?


what happens in Dislexia, genetic or brain damage ?

1 4337

what are transpoons?

1 5352

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Un-Answered Questions { Genetics }

Does a person diagnosed with turner syndrome have trouble hearing? please reply if you have this syndrome or know someone who does.


was math a subject in high school of difficulty for a person diagnosed with turner's syndrome?


Are there additional resources / individuals that you can recommend for my paper?


In horses coat color is dependent upon genes as follows: A_B_ results in bay, aaB_ in black, A_bb in chestnut, aabb in liver. In addition, palimino is derived by Dd with chestnut. A palimono stallion (DdAAbb) is crossed with a palimino mare (DdAAbb). What percent of the offspring will be palimino?


what causes heterosexuality?


If curly hair is genetic, why do you have curly hair if none of your ancestors did?


Explain in terms of gene product function how a mutant allele can be dominant? recessive?


What are the down sides of Genetic Engineering?


How is a genetic trait determined by the genetic code within a dna molecule?


Why would farmers, doctors, and manufacturers be interested in Genetic Engineering?


Suppose you are heterozygous for a mutant beta-thalassemia allele. If the frequency of beta-thalassemia is 1/1600 persons, what is the probabilty that your prospective spouse is heterozygous for a mutant beta-thalassemia allele?


What is the function of BCSP31gene of Brucella organism?


Flower position, stem length, and seed shape were three traits that were studied by Mendel. Each is controlled by an independently assorting gene. If a plant that is heterozygous for all three traits was allowed to self- fertilize, what proportion of the offspring would be expected to show all three dominant phenotypes?


How DNA is being Transplanted?


A number of plant species have a recessive allele for albinism; homozygous albino (white) individuals are unable to synthesize chlorophyll. If a tobacco plant heterozygous for albinism is allowed to self-pollinate and 500 seeds germinate: a)how many offspring will be the same genotype as the parent? b)how many seedlings would you expect to be white?