Micro Biology Interview Questions
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Why we are maintaining the autoclave temperature at 121degree centigrade and pressure at 15lbs? Why we are not maintaining the temperature and pressure above or below 121degree centigrade and 15lbs? higher temperature also kills microbes. then why we are not maintaining it above 121degree? what is the reason?


4 37408

give some names of spore producing bacteria. why these bacteria survive at very high temperature? what is the chemical composition of spores?

1 4196

i completed bsc microbiology,DMLT and i finished ILETS exam and got overall 5.5 score,is it possible to get job in melbourne hospital,wat i hav to do


what is meaning of microbiology

3 5184

1. What is the biochemical test ? 2. What purpose of subculture ?

1 4620

1.What is the different parameter of sterilization ?

1 3460

Difference between bacteria and fungi

4 6022

what is gmo

4 5054

Why does frame shift mutation (GC gase paired) occurs due to the pesticides in TA98 salmonella tester strain? What is its reason and the mode of action of the pesticides on the CG sequence of the DNA of TA98 strain


in autoclave sterilization time is 20mins,why?


2 6841

why the most probable number(MPN) technique is carried out?

5 8422

why viruses are more pathogenic than bacteria

2 5969

how to do dry heat sterilizer validation?

Reddy Labs,

1 4686

how does Mucus membrane protect the respiratory system?

2 11437

Why yeast is mostly used for fermentation or biotechnological purposes?

1 3286

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Un-Answered Questions { Micro Biology }

Why are the bacilli arranged at angles to each other?


Why are mycobacteria acid fast?


How microorganisms vary in pathogenesity?


How to measure or estimate colony form unit(CFU) ?


Explain the Electrotransformation to lactobacillus delbrueckii ?


Describe the direct and indirect methods for measuring bacterial population growth?


Explain agar bacteria separation?


What is the importance of Vibrio anguillarum ?


Name a fungus that is gram positive?


What is a terrestrial organism?


What is the the primary cause of an inflammatory reaction to an overhanging gingival margin of a restoration ?


Why did you decide to study microbiology? What do you like about it?


What is the temperature and time employed to sterilize the articles in hot air oven?


How to contaminate bacterial culture ?


Explain the meaning of bioremediation and describe four examples where microorganisms have been used or can be used in bioremediation?