How to detect leucine arylamidase?
What is the importance of Rhodococcus sp ?
How to prepare BHI agar?
How H.pylori DNA is recovered?
What is meant by positive strand RNA and negative strand RNA?
Why does frame shift mutation (GC gase paired) occurs due to the pesticides in TA98 salmonella tester strain? What is its reason and the mode of action of the pesticides on the CG sequence of the DNA of TA98 strain
How to estimate peptone ?
What is the difference between spreading and striking ?
How to grow more methylobacterium?
Explain about the sucide plasmid directed mutagenesis in pseudomonas?
Explain about Irradiation of live virus vaccines ?
if hr asked that why are you interested in marketing kind of job then what should i reply.
How to keep stock for fungal strain?
Explain the growth curve of S. pneumo ?
How to search specific Cell line ?