Databases Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the purpose of catlaog in oracle rman?

Value Labs,

2 4221

what is the difference between hot backup n rman backup?

Value Labs,

1 14268

how many outer joins are used in a single sql query? is there any limitations for using of outer joins?

BOB Technologies, Cap Gemini, IBM,

2 7878

How should i optimize the time for execution of stored procedure having single input and many output from the different tables?


A lady is trying to pick gloves and hats from her wardrobe in the dark. She has 22 white and 33 green ones. She wants to pick a pair of gloves of white and green. How many tries before she gets it right?


1 3779

1. what is the exact use of hint in sql. 2. How we can avoid index scan in sql even though index is there in the table.


1 6172

SQL Tuning, Oracle Server 10g: Why is the following hint invalid? SELECT /*+ first_rows parallel(table_name,paral_number)*/


1 9033

Magic Tables ?

Thomson Reuters,

2 5325

Diffrences between sql server 2000 vs 2005

Thomson Reuters,

2 4212

what is performance tunning in sql server ? explain.

Thomson Reuters,

1 3662

CTE(common table expression)

Thomson Reuters,

1 7812

how to find maximum identity number in a table ?

JPMorgan Chase, Thomson Reuters, Wipro,

2 11963

what is Covering Index ?

Thomson Reuters,

3 6054

How to create a view on a table which does not exists

Oracle, TCS,

4 19607

I have a package in which a table was used in a procedure and compiled later i have dropped the table used in the package what would be the status of package specification and body


1 5639

Un-Answered Questions { Databases }

What is the data quality in odi?


Is mysql frontend or backend?


How do you select a table?


using primary can we relate two table, with out foreign key?


What does inner join mean?


How to determine the size of an index?


Please explain oracle left join with an example?


What are the usages of sql?


How many database files are there in sql server 2000?what are they?


What are parameter files? Where do we use them?


What is rank function?


you added a row to a view, but the row is not shown on the view. Explain how this can happen, and how you can remedy the situation


What Are Cross Validation & Adi?


Does mongodb support primary-key, foreign-key relationship?


If you're given a raw data table, how would perform etl (extract, transform, load) with sql to obtain the data in a desired format?