Sciences Interview Questions
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What are the Two rapid tests for diagnosis of cholera?

1 3257

What is Cholera red reaction ?

1 14514

Name Escherichia coli groups causing diarrhoea?

1 3331

What is EPEC?

2 5929

The peptide bond in proteins is a) nonpolar, and fixed in a trans conformation. b) nonpolar, but rotates to three preferred dihedral angles. c) planar, and usually found in a trans conformation. d) planar, but rotates to three preferred dihedral angles.

1 3185

If the enthalpy change for a reaction is zero, DG? is equal to: a) DH? b) lnKeq c) TDS? d) -TDS?

1 3117

The nucleophile in the first stage of the serine protease mechanism is a) H2O b) the carboxyl of Asp 102 c) the hydroxyl of Ser 195 d) the imidazole of His 57


The elution volume of an enzyme on a gel filtration column can be predicted from a) its enzyme activity b) its protein absorbance at 280 nm c) subunit composition and monomer molecular mass(es) d) Choices a) and b) are both correct.


DNA binding by proteins with the helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif does not involve a) altered stacking of the DNA at the center of symmetry. b) hydrogen bonds, salt bridges, and van der Waals contacts. c) interactions with base pairs in the major groove of DNA. d) interactions with the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA.


The two exonuclease activities of DNA polymerase I a) are coupled during the formation of "gapped DNA". b) degrade DNA in a 5' --> 3' direction. c) degrade DNA in a 3' --> 5' direction. d) occur at two different active sites.

1 2609

A principal difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication is a) completely different proteins/enzymes in eukaryotes b) multiple origins in eukaryotes c) no requirement for topoisomerase activity in prokaryotes d) the absence of a nucleus in prokaryotes

9 34068

When s subunit dissociates from an initiated RNA polymerase, a) it can bind a core enzyme to reform holoenzyme. b) it hydrolyzes ATP until rebound by core enzyme. c) it leaves behind an elongating species complexed with Rho factor. d) it remains bound to the promoter consensus sequence.

1 3025

The junction between the two helical portions of tRNA is stabilized by many non-standard base-base interactions between residues in the a) anticodon and CCA ends. b) helical stems of the D and Anticodon stems. c) loops of the Anticodon and Acceptor stem. d) loops of the TYC and D arms.

1 3301

On the ribosome, mRNA binds ____; the peptidyl transferase reaction occurs ____. a) to the large subunit; on the small subunit. b) to the small subunit; on the large subunit. c) between the subunits; on the large subunit. d) between the subunits; on the small subunit.

2 5074

According to the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes, which type of molecule spans the membrane from its inner to outer surface? a) cholesterol b) phospholipid c) protein d) triacylglycerol

PH.D Interview,

1 4697

Un-Answered Questions { Sciences }

What is hippocampal neuron transfection?


What is the function of diethyl amine?


Explain the principle of x-ray in radiology?


What other methods are available for staining mycobacteria?


What is the meaning of edaphology? : soil science


Describe immunoglobulin (ig) g.


the perimetere of a square is 44m more than that of another and 187 sqm more in area then the side of the larger square is


Name the scientists who elucidated the basic structure of immunoglobulin?


Where is the gall bladder located?


Which cell organelles are well-developed in secretory cells?


What are the lowest and highest temperatures humans can survive?


Define an isomer?


What do you think could be the points of conflict in terms of bio ethics?


how to calibrate hplc & gc


What makes a molecule into organic molecule?