Sciences Interview Questions
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Complete the muscle spindle reflex arc by placing the following in order: alpha motor, Ia afferent, muscle stretch, extrafusal contraction, intrafusal stretch?

1 2950

Extrafusal fibers are innervated by what motor neuron?

1 2493

From which 3 spinal roots does long thoracic nerve arises?

1 2430

General sensory/motor dysfunction and aphasia are caused by stroke of the?

1 2627

Give 3 characteristics of a LMN lesion?

1 3170

Give 3 charateristics of internuclear ophthalmoplegia ?

1 2451

Give 4 characteristics of an UMN lesion?

2 3341

Golgi tendon organs send their signal via what nerve?

1 2418

Horner's Syndrome is present if the lesion in Brown-Sequard is above what level?

1 2428

How are the fibers of the corticospinal tract laminated?

1 5974

How are the fibers of the dorsal column laminated?

2 3038

How are the fibers of the spinothalmic tract laminated?

1 2623

How do glucose and amino acids cross the blood-brain barrier?

1 4135

How does the hypothalamus control the adenohypophysis?

1 2656

Huntington's patients typically have what type of movements?

1 2222

Un-Answered Questions { Sciences }

how you can fix the known and unknown impurity limit for any drug substance


Name the assay method for compliment component c3 on glomerullar basement membrane.


Explain the Virus plaque assay for VSV ?


if content uniformity passing but dissolution varrying then what is next step?


How do you customize database for blast?


What are the different types of research possible?


What is the earths core made of?


What can you calculate by selecting Born-Haber cycle?


What is the earths crust made of?


What steps will you take to stop profuse bleeding from a patients uterus?


What are the basic principles of regulation ?


What is eclipses?


Explain how do we know magma does not originate in the liquid outer core?


What are the compounds used for extraction of Gold and Silver?


What is living reservoirs?