General Physics Interview Questions
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What is the purpose served by ventilation in building ?

1 661

How does the snake move over the ground ?

1 792

Explain about Magnetic mines

1 775

Explain about Sanitation

1 987

Describe the Periscope?

1 861

Describe the Sphygmanometer?

1 889

Describe the Thermos Flask?

1 885

Explain about Anemometer?

1 828

Explain about Bessemer?

1 752

Explain about Microphone?

1 846

Explain about Vacuum Pump?

1 869

Explain about Scintillometer?

1 815

Explain about Barometer?

1 781

Describe the Infra-red and Ultra-voilet rays?

1 892

What is Lunar module?

1 782

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Un-Answered Questions { General Physics }

Tell me what is ion pair energy?


Explain how many femtometers are in a nanometer?


What is the principle of superposition?


What is meant by energy spectrum of a black body? What do you infer from it? : quantum physics


assuming g = 9.8 m/sec2, what is the weight on earth, in newtons, of a 60 kilogram person?


How is nuclear fission different from nuclear fusion?


A color made from the addition of two primary colors is called:


Explain the difference between optical zoom, digital zoom and smart zoom?


Is their any rule in significant figures that maximum number of significant figures in a number are 5


What is the weight of automotive oil?


According to the standard model of particle physics, what is the name for the three leptons that have no electric charge and little if any mass?


What is the difference between collector & emitter of transistor, even though material used for both same?


The throbbing caused by sounds of slightly different frequencies that results because of periodic constructive and destructive interference is called:


What is reflection of light?


I want to prepare a frequency generator. the specifications i.e. output requirements are 12V, 1-10A & frequency upto 1K to 5K. Please, inform me with proper circuit dig. & the component values.