QTP Interview Questions
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How the automated tests in org


1 4892

Hi, is it possible for recording shortcut key during record session? The application on which I am working is web based application. This application has several shortcut key associated with menu option. I have succesfully recorded all menu option but unable to record shortcut key.

1 4753

what is the difference between image and bitmap check point

3 7485

Which object repository we use in real time and can we merge 2 object repostiory and how?

HCL, Satyam,

6 14683

what r advance features u had done in QTP?


3 10626

What type of VB script u had done in expert view?


1 7471

what is batch run ?


4 11771

Can anybody give the script of below things. 1. Add sheet 2. Adding columns 3. Set the values in that columns(In the rows) 4. Close the sheet 5. How can we create 3 sheets in one Excel sheet??


2 6917

how you will do cookie testing using QTP?

2 6961

how you test broken link using the automated tool QTP ?


4 14632

when you press a link it displays "the page cannot be displayed" then as a tester how you will find the problem,what type of problem must be it?

3 6585

How Does Run time data (Parameterization) is handled in QTP?


4 16988

What is keyword view and Expert view in QTP?

Ordain Solutions,

9 40724

Explain about the Test Fusion Report of QTP ?

1 5784

Explain QTP Testing process ?


13 28530

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

what could go wrong with test automation?


What is the architecture of your project? Can any one answer for this question plz........


Is any limitation to xml checkpoints?


Why qtp always start action1 and does not start action?


how to compare two bitmaps( 1. clients requirement & 2. Designed by dev) in qtp 8.2 wann clear steps


How to customize checkpoints with parameters?


What are the Disadvantages of shared object repository?


how to know no.of mails in our g mail by using vb-script


i have doubt suppose iam purly working in QTP, when i will work on sql and performence testing? pls any one clarify doubt?


What is quick test pro?


How qtp identifies objects?


hi all here i have tab named "Workbench" By clicking on "workbench" tab.it displays 4 tabs like below workbench common cargo commercial charter "common" tab have 10tabs inside,"cargo" tab also haveing 15 tabs inside and remaining two tabs also having few tabs inside. when clicked on "common" tab.it displaying the script like tab("workbench").select"common" if i clicked on "cargo".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_2").select"cargo" if i clicked on "commercial".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_3").select"commercial" if i clicked on "charter".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_4").select"charter" I have used a "FOR LOOP" for common,commercial,cargo,charter tabs.it was stopped at second tab SO, CAN I RECOGNIZE "WORKBENCH_2,_3,_4" AS A SINGLE VARIABLE if not, can anyone plese help me to solve this


What we are looking for is to load properties of object dynamically as for our application the global repository will pretty huge. It will be really helpful to us if something similar to following functions of Winrunner is available in QTP. #Define descriptor auto strDesc; #set property in the descriptor Gui_desc_set_attr(strDesc,?Class?,?Edit?); --- put other properties #Add Edit box to GUI Map Gui_add(? ?,strWindowName,strEditboxName,strDesc);


Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to connect the QC with QTP using QTP script? Thanks in advance


Explain how Does Run time data (Parameterization) is handled in QTP?