Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What are the three aspects of GUI software to test for with WinRunner?

1 3717

What are the two ways to create test scripts?

2 5072

What are the four steps to record a test script?

3 5587

Why position WinRunner and the AUT so they do not overlap?

1 3330

What icon is used in WinRunner to get an explanation of the syntax of TSL?


Name three reasons why the tester may choose to record in Context Sensitive mode.


Name three reasons why the tester may choose to record in Analog mode.

3 4577

When we are recording in WinRunner and interact with the AUT, what does WinRunner do?


What are initial and end conditions?

1 3614

Why are initial and end conditions necessary?

1 3121

If a test script instructs WinRunner to open an application to test it, what end conditions might be good?

1 2508

there are 100 test cases. and u got a bug at 85th test cases. u reported it to dev and dev fixed that bug. when u r doing regression testing from whic test case u'll do tetsing?? will start from 85 th test case are u'll execute 100 test cases??


15 18253

while reading specification documents if u got any doubts or u think the specification should be clear or when u think some changes should be there in specifcation docs, or u find the difference in FRS and Design docs,whom do u report this??


4 6609

To Review the test cases , to whom u'll send the document?

4 6953

what is thetesting methodology that u r company folowing??

CTS, Sonata,

9 9943

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hello there, can anyone tell me what type of question does lg soft company ask in written test especially for a quant part? Thanku


!what are the entry criteria for antomation testing ?


Why you are selected software testing as career ?


Different types of design diagrams that supports to write test cases ?


What is the difference between Sleep and wait in winrunner what is integration testing and types of testing present what is system testing what is data driven testing what is functionality testing if requirements are given to you then how do you write the test cases for it Account number = Ok cancel For above given form the valid account number starts from 1 to 1000 so is it necessary to input the 1,2,3 ….998,999,1000 test cases to check the conditions of valid account numbers I,e is it compulsory to write 1000 test cases for the above form


What is Web testing & which action we take at the time of Web Testing?


Why would we not include these?


What is performance tuning? What are tools of performance testing?


What is white box testing, and what are the various techniques?


What are the cases why parameterization is necessary when load testing the Web server and the database server?