If you're given a program that will average student grades, what kinds of inputs would you use?
4494Post New Manual Testing Questions
If automating - what is your process for determining what to automate and in what order
What are testing techniques? What is difference between general and specific?
tell wat u did in ur banking project?
What is test management?
What is srs and brs document?
what is JAVA TESTING? What Testers will do in JAVA Testing. Can any one Give suitable Ans Pls. it's urgent
Explain user acceptance testing.
i want to for technical interview question paper along with in tesrviwe Phases i need
What type bugs you will find in integration testing with example?
Hello can anybody list out supported and unsupported browsers for Window OS,Android OS,MAC OS Ubuntu
What are the main key components in Web applications and Client Server applications? and their differences?
1.what is a test condition ?
In simple steps how will you do unit testing using VSTS?
what is acid testing?
What is bug severity?